Dough Sheeter: Important Things to Look For Before Buying One: 2023

The key to a perfect pastry, pasta, cookies, or pizza is the right dough sheeter. The dough should be smooth, and uniform, & must not have any lumps. The perfect consistency of dough can be achieved by passing it through a commercial dough sheet machine.
To get that perfect dough is a tough task and rolling by hand requires a lot of time. As per our research, chefs & bakers spend a lot of time flattening the dough with their hands for preparing sheets. But no worries! Commercial dough sheeters are here!
There are different types of commercial dough sheet machines available suitable for home baking & professional bakeries. But the question arises; what to look for in a commercial dough sheeter while buying.
Our experts at Restaurant.Store, an online commercial kitchen equipment store not only offers quality equipment to all over India but also understands the functionality of each equipment and assists restaurants/cafes/bakeries/bars select the right equipment.
Let’s Get Started With the Must-Haves in a Commercial Dough Sheeter Machine
1. Quality Is the Key!
Durability is the most important factor when it comes to dough sheets. Commercial dough sheeter machines are used all day long in cafes, pizza corners, restaurants, & bakeries. Even if you run a small business of homemade cookies, your cookie dough roller machine should be able to function all day long with excellent performance.
How do you know if the cookie dough sheeter or any commercial dough sheet is of the best quality? Make sure the body is made of stainless steel and not any other material, the machine is damage proof, waterproof, and has a long functional life.
2. Has a Bigger Capacity
Even a small cafe prepares 100s of puffs, pizzas, and loaves of bread every day. This number rises a lot when we talk about professional bakeries; hundreds of cookies, cakes, pastries, and whatnot! Reading all this has made you hungry now, right? But focus!
Always make sure you are purchasing a high-capacity dough sheeter machine (up to 7.5 kg) even if you run a small bakery since such equipment is not a purchase, it’s an investment.
3. Adjustable Dough Thickness.
Every item has a different dough thickness required. Usually, a pizza has a dough thickness of 5mm, cookies have a thickness of 6mm-1cm, puff pastry has a thickness of 4mm-5mm, and so on.
To prepare different types of doughs, you will be needing a commercial dough sheeter machine with adjustable dough thickness. Always check whether the machine allows you to adjust the thickness or has a standard thickness limit.
4. Components Matter a Lot!
The most vital components of a dough sheeter are rollers & belts. Make sure the roller gaps from where the dough passes can be adjusted and have longer durability.
The most important factor while selecting a dough sheeting machine for your bakery/cafe is to check whether it has the food-grade Teflon belt. This type of belt is suitable for handling food materials since these are made of natural rubber & special raw materials.
5. Manual? A Big NOOO!
In rush hours, we don’t want you and your team to spend hours flattening the sheets manually. If you are working on manual dough sheeters, it is high time to replace the machine with automatic dough sheeter machines.
You can order an electric dough sheeting machine online that can roll any type of dough of any quantity in 5-10 minutes.
6. Prefer Machines Making Low Noise.
Every renowned e-commerce shop offering commercial kitchen equipment shares vital information about the equipment where you can search for noise-related details before making the purchase. Make sure the equipment has a low-noise feature that will help you and your team concentrate on other important tasks till the machine does its job.
Now that you know how to select the right dough sheeter for your business, you must be wondering when you can get one. We have got you covered! Restaurant.Store, an online store has a wide range of professional dough sheeters with different specifications; you can select the one suitable for your business. You can also check other amazing equipment we have on our site. Click here to order your latest dough sheeter machine now.
Moiz November 19, 2021